NEWS | BEAM Alliance


Tamrisa announces its emergence as a new specialized pharma venture dedicated to tackling anti­ microbial resistance (AMR) through Innovation, Stewardship and Access.

A silent pandemic, bacterial resistance to antibiotics is killing increasingly more people around the world and jeopardizing decades of medical progress.
Tamrisa aims to provide a navel, comprehensive, ambitious and sustainable response to AMR threat, in line with the guidelines set by World Health Organization.

Tamrisa is committed to develop new classes of antibiotics against top priority multi-drug resistant pathogens, with a view to reset the dock of AMR.

As a first step, Tamrisa is bringing on board the Paris-based R&D team formerly known as Mutabilis and their unique world-class know-how to pursue the development of two molecules against carbapenem resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections. These projects will continue to benefit from the long-standing support of CARB-X, Novo Holdings REPAIR Impact Fund and Roche – three of the most influential institutions in the AMR field.

Tamrisa is committed to reinforce access to patients around the world of proven existing antibiotics – still most useful in the pharmacopeia although no longer always available.
As a first step, Tamrisa has already built a portfolio of eight long proven valuable antibiotics, registered and commercialized in more than 40 countries through a network of distribution partners. With the help of manufacturing partners, TAMRISA is committed to reinforce and secure overtime their respective supply chains, that are at times reported to be fragile.

Tamrisa is committed to promote and favor in all respects the use of the relevant antibiotic for the relevant patient at the relevant dose for the relevant duration, and thus contribute to limit resistance expansion to bath existing and future molecules.

Leadership & resources
Co-led by two seasoned and complementary pharma executives – Wandrille RACT-MADOUX and Benoît HENNION -, Tamrisa is driven by the ambition to make a decisive contribution in the fight against AMR major threat.
Tamrisa is funded by its two co-CEOs, industry partners and private shareholders, and can rely for its future development on a solid and broad experience in R&D, AMR, international pharma operations, industrial & regulatory transfers, M&A and financing.

Full PR available here