BEAM Alliance

Gathers Small & Medium Entreprises innovating against AntiMicrobial Resistance in Europe
BEAM Alliance

BEAM Alliance was created in 2016 to carry the voice of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) innovating against AntiMicrobial Resistance (AMR).

BEAM works together with stakeholders to shape policies that can improve research and development in the AMR field.

Our Focus

We believe innovation has an instrumental role to play to curb the AMR threat.

Antimicrobial resistance is an unstoppable evolutionary process that makes previously treatable infections potentially fatal.

AMR is a major threat
BEAM Alliance

Innovative products are essential to keep the AMR threat at bay.

BEAM Alliance members develop a broad range of products across 3 axes:

BEAM Alliance

Our Commitment

BEAM Alliance proposes and advocates for policies and incentive options to unleash the innovation potential of its members as the development of AMR product is hampered by various hurdles across all axes and suffer from non-optimal evaluation methods.

BEAM Alliance also publishes every year the BeAMRometer, taking the pulse of innovative SMEs and highlighting the difficult situation they face.

BeAMRometer 2024

BeAMRometer 2023

Board Members

Marc Gitzinger, President
BioVersys (Basel, Switzerland)

Remko Van Leeuwen, Vice-President
SurvivX (Nijmegen, NL)

Peter Jackson, Vice-President
Infex Therapeutics (Stockport, UK)

Jan Posthumus, Secretary
Basilea (Basel, Switzerland)

Florence Séjourné, Founder and Treasurer
Aurobac Therapeutics (Lyon, France)

Ingrid Wanninger, Officer
HYpharm (Bernried, Germany)

Alfons Nonell-Canals
DevsHealth (Barcelona, Spain)

Eva Rennen
Nostics (Amsterdam, NL)

Operational Team

Frédéric Peyrane, Managing Director

Florence Rolland, Assistant Coordinator

BEAM Alliance in numbers

BEAM Alliance



BEAM Alliance


Products in market

BEAM Alliance


Products in preclinical research

BEAM Alliance


Products in clinical development