JPIAMR, in partnership with Innovate UK KTN, are hosting this innovation workshop to provide information about the challenges in translating academic research to commercial and not-for-profit technology solutions. They will explore the main barriers to industry in developing novel antibacterial drugs for human and how JPIAMR and other stakeholders (industry, academia, funders, and regulatory agencies, among others) can work together to improve the translation of these developments.
Date: 21 June, 2022
Time: 13.00 – 16.30 (CEST)
13.00 Welcome and aims of the meeting
13.10 JPIAMR aims and challenges in developing new antimicrobial therapeutics
13.25 Industry’s perspective – Main barriers for companies on engagement, collaboration with research institutions.
13.55 Breakout session 1: Gaps, barriers, and opportunities in the translation of research of novel antimicrobial therapeutics
14.40 Summary of the discussion
14.50 Break
15.00 Funders perspective
15.30 Breakout session 2: Funding gaps and models of successful translation
16.15 Summary of the discussion
16.25 Closing remarks and next steps
Registration link here