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BEAM Alliance published its reflection paper calling for a fair evaluation of the Transferable Exclusivity Extension (TEE) voucher

- BEAM Alliance

BEAM Alliance

Today, BEAM Alliance published the third part of its reflection paper series on designing the best possible PULL incentive to support AMR innovation in Europe.

TEE has been at the center of discussions on what the “right” kind of innovation incentive looks like. The end-goal of the mechanism – irrespective of its final form – is to revive the innovation engine and, as such, a certain number of criteria must be carefully considered and respected. .

After much thinking, discussion, and debate, the Alliance proposes a hybrid model in which innovation is rewarded by a Transferable Exclusivity Extension (TEE) voucher while, in parallel, access in Member States is guaranteed by a complementary mechanism in the form of the subscription model, reimbursement reform, and other mechanisms.

This third reflection paper aims to respond to the many criticisms recently lodged against the TEE vouchers. In it, we deconstruct myths about the mechanism, and try to concretely and objectively demonstrate why this mechanism remains the most efficient one, proper design permitting.

We call on policy- and decision-makers to make a proper assessment of the possibilities of this mechanism and to give it the thoughtful consideration it duly merits.

The AMR innovation ecosystem and health of European citizens are at stake – it must warrant none other than our ardent efforts and undivided attention.